Saturday, October 30, 2021

Letter ToThe Most Reverend Jackson Ole Sapit Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Kenya

The Most Reverend Jackson Ole Sapit

Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Kenya

Your Grace,

We, the bishops and members of Forward in Faith North America, write to express our profound sadness at the decision of the Anglican Church of Kenya to break two thousand years of episcopal principle and practice, the great tradition in Anglicanism since the English Reformation, as well as GAFCON protocol, and consecrate a female bishop.

Your decision to act unilaterally in opposition to the expressed concerns and agreements of the GAFCON Primates Council is a break in the fraternal love and respect that has been a hallmark of GAFCON and witness to orthodox Anglicans worldwide.

Sadly, the actions of your province directly harm Christ's Church by failing to uphold the "doctrine, sacraments and discipline of Christ, as the Lord has commanded and as this Church has received them." Specifically, this innovation directly harms the maintenance of the historic episcopate, challenges our missional and ecumenical relationships throughout the world, and opens the door for Satan to divide Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The Historic Episcopate

In a 2017 communique from the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), the Primates noted: "It is our prime recommendation that the provinces of GAFCON should retain the historic practice of the consecration only of men as bishops until and unless a strong consensus to change emerges after prayer, consultation and continued study of Scripture among the GAFCON fellowship." The historic male episcopate provides the Church a common assurance of sacramental validity.

Ecumenical Relationships and Christian Mission

Recently the GAFCON Primates Council has reached out to the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, as well as Protestant denominations such as the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, in order to further our relationships and further our common mission in fulfillment of our Lord's prayer in John 17, "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17:20-21).

Our ability to fulfill this prayer, heal division, and carry out Gospel mission together will only be further impaired by breaking with the holy Biblical tradition given by all male apostles to all male successors.

Doctrine, Discipline and Division

While the Anglican Church in Kenya currently maintains an orthodox understanding of the Gospel, it should be noted that every province that has adopted women into the episcopate has, in time, yielded to the pressures of the culture and left Biblical morality.

Listen to the words of Saint Paul to Timothy, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Lastly, your Grace, for the sake of the Gospel and our unity in Christ we call upon the Anglican Church in Kenya to refrain from further actions of division and to repent of your actions which have directly harmed your brother and sister Anglican Christians around the world.


The Rt. Rev. Eric Vawter Menees,

Ordinary of San Joaquin and President of Forward in Faith North America

The Rt. Rev. Richard Lipka

Ordinary of the Missionary Diocese of All Saints and Vice President of Forward in Faith

The Rt. Rev. Ray Sutton

Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid-America

The Rt. Rev. Walter Banek

Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of Mid-America

The Rt. Rev. Clark Lowenfield

Ordinary of the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast

The Rt. Rev. Ryan Reed

Ordinary of the Diocese of Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. Jack Iker

Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. Bill Wantland

Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. Alberto Morales, OSB

Ordinary of the Diocese of Quincy

The Rt. Rev. Keith Ackerman, SSC

Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Ordination of a Priest – Conclusion of the Service

Today we draw to the close of the Rite for making a priest. Last week we looked at the Vesting of the New Priest which concluded with the passing of the Peace. The Offertory follows with the collection of offerings going to support the ministry of the new priest either with the purchase of vestments or a pastoral care fund that he can access to assist the congregation he will be serving. Immediately following the offertory, we have the Celebration of Holy Eucharist. The new priest concelebrates with the Bishop and assists with the distribution of communion.
Following the post communion prayer, the new priest leads the following collect.

When the Communion is finished, after the Post Communion Prayer, the new Priest prays the following Collect
Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favor, and further us with your continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy Name, and finally, through your mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Note that this is the first time that the priest prays in the name of the people gathered. He will do this often in his ministry but especially during the celebration of Holy Eucharist where he stands before the people of God and before the Lord and offers up prayers on their behalf.

The service concludes with the Bishop offering the closing blessing prior to the closing hymn and dismissal.

The Bishop then blesses the People saying 
Our help is in the Name of the Lord;
People The maker of heaven and earth. 
Bishop Blessed be the Name of the Lord;
People From this time forth for evermore. 
Bishop The blessing, mercy, and grace of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you for ever. Amen.

I pray you all a blessed celebration of All Saints & All Souls which will be the topic of next week’s Bishop’s Note.
May the Lord bless you!
Bp. Eric Menees

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Ordination of a Priest – Vesting of the New Priest

Bishop Eric Menees
“Send your heavenly blessing upon this your servant, that he may be closed with righteousness…”  With these words we transition into the next phase of the Ordination of a Priest. Having called God, the Holy Spirit, upon him, the bishop’s hands being laid upon him along with the laying on of hands by the other priests gathered.
The following prayer asks God to be efficacious in the ministry of the new priest through word, sacrament and deed.
What follows is the vesting of the priest in the symbols and instruments of his ministry. It is interesting to note that the horizontal line along the left side of the presentation of the Stole, Chasuble and the anointing of the hands of the priest signals that these symbols and anointing are optional.  I can’t imagine why anyone would not use these but perhaps it is for the less liturgically-minded. These symbols do not in and of themselves have power – but they represent the priest’s submission to Christ and His Church and represent the authority under which he operates. The statements accompanying each are self-evident.
Have a blessed week!
Bp. Menees


The Bishop then prays the following over the Ordinand. 
Send your heavenly blessing upon this your servant, that he may be clothed with righteousness, and that your Word, spoken by his mouth, may have such success that it may never be spoken in vain. Grant also that we may have grace to hear and receive what he shall deliver out of your most holy Word as the means of our salvation; that in all our words and deeds we may seek your glory and the increase of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end.
The People in a loud voice respond 
The Bishop then prays the following over the Ordinand. 
Send your heavenly blessing upon this your servant, that he may be clothed with righteousness, and that your Word, spoken by his mouth, may have such success that it may never be spoken in vain. Grant also that we may have grace to hear and receive what he shall deliver out of your most holy Word as the means of our salvation; that in all our words and deeds we may seek your glory and the increase of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end.
The People in a loud voice respond 

The new Priest may now be vested according to the Order of Priests. 
As the Priest is vested with a stole, the Bishop says 
Take the yoke of the Lord, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

As the Priest is vested with a chasuble, the Bishop says 
Receive this priestly garment which symbolizes charity; for God is well able to give you an increase of charity and a perfect work.

The Bishop then anoints the hands of the new Priest with the Oil of Chrism, saying 
Grant, O Lord, to consecrate and sanctify these hands by this unction and by our blessing, that whatsoever they bless may be blessed, and whatsoever they consecrate may be consecrated and sanctified, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali Converts To Catholicism

Fr. Dale Matson

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali joined the Roman Catholic Church through the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. I wrote an article ten years ago while Rowan Williams was still ABC, advocating for Rowan Williams to step down and for former Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir Ali to succeed him.

As it turned out, Williams did step down in 2012 but unfortunately, Justin Welby was elected in 2013.

MNA’s departure from the COE came as a surprise to Anglican Evangelicals in particular but as someone who is Anglo-Catholic, I am less surprised. He is not the first notable Anglican to swim the Tiber. St. John Henry Newman converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845 and was canonized by Pope Francis in 2019. Also, in 2019 retired COE Priest Gavin Ashenden joined the ordinariate. He had this to say as recorded on VirtueOnline.

MNA has been criticized for leaving as a leader of GAFCON and for leaving the COE. I have mixed feelings about it but I believe he saw the handwriting on the wall. The COE and ABC Justin Welby are, and increasingly leftward leaning. The COE is only slightly behind the Episcopal Church, which is now recommending the Black National Anthem replace our National Anthem. 

As for GAFCON and the ACNA…time will tell. There were cracks evident from the beginning (women’s ordination) and more cracks emerging (SSA)

Will MNA find shelter and certainty under the magisterium? What is the old saying? “Never join the perfect church. You will ruin it.” Speaking as someone who is also in his 70’s, I wish Michael Nazir Ali and his family all the best in Christ.


Friday, October 15, 2021

Ordination of a Priest – Consecration of the Priest

Bishop Eric Menees
Friends, as we continue our journey through the Book of Common Prayer 2019 and specifically the Forming and Manner of Ordaining a Priest. Last week we looked at the calling down of the Holy Spirit in the Veni Creator. This week we look at the actual consecration of the priest.
This is a twofold process that begins with the candidate kneeling before the bishop. This is an outward sign of his submission to the bishop as the ecclesial and spiritual authority. Not dissimilar to the candidates for confirmation though a priest serves directly under the authority of the bishop. Earlier on in the service the Ordinand signs the Oath of Conformity and Canonical Obedience.   The first prayer recalls Christ’s redeeming actions and his sending out of the apostles. The new priest joins in that ministry of the apostles as a vicar of the Bishop Ordinary of the diocese in which he serves.
Following that prayer all of the priests present come forward and lay hands upon the Ordinand as well. In this prayer, and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit the now priest is given the spiritual authority to serve in the sacramental manner of a priest.
I invite your prayerful reading of the prayers below.


All now stand as witnesses, except the Ordinand, who kneels facing the Bishop. 
The Bishop prays the following prayer, first saying

Let us pray.

Almighty God and most merciful Father, of your infinite love and goodness you have given your only Son Jesus Christ to be our redeemer and the author of everlasting life. After he had made perfect our redemption by his death and resurrection, and ascended into heaven, he sent into the whole world his apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers; by the Holy Spirit, through their labor and ministry, he gathered together a great flock to set forth the eternal praise of your holy Name. For these great benefits, and because you have called this your servant to the same office and ministry, we offer you our most hearty thanks; and we humbly ask that we may daily increase in the knowledge and faith of you and of your Son, and that by this minister, as well as by those entrusted to his care, your holy Name may for ever be glorified, and your blessed kingdom enlarged; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Bishop with the Priests present lays their hands upon the head of each one to receive the Order of Priesthood. The Bishop says
Receive the Holy Spirit for the office and work of a Priest in the Church of God, now committed to you by the imposition of our hands. If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven. If you withhold forgiveness from anyone, it is withheld. Be a faithful minister of God’s holy Word and Sacraments; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

The Bishop then prays the following over the Ordinand. 
Send your heavenly blessing upon this your servant, that he may be clothed with righteousness, and that your Word, spoken by his mouth, may have such success that it may never be spoken in vain. Grant also that we may have grace to hear and receive what he shall deliver out of your most holy Word as the means of our salvation; that in all our words and deeds we may seek your glory and the increase of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end.
The People in a loud voice respond 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021