Thursday, April 11, 2019

Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin Annual Mass of Chrism 2019

Dale Matson

Click On Photographs To Enlarge

The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin held the annual Mass of Chrism on Wednesday at the Campus Bible Church. We wish to thank them for the use of their church for our services. I was pleased to be the photographer for the gathering and Liturgy. Bishop Eric Menees was the Celebrant, Preacher and blessed the oils of Chrism, Catechumens and oil for the Sick. The clergy also renewed their vows.
Following the service, there was a lunch and the Bishop discussed upcoming events and the state of health of some who were unable to attend.

Bishop And Clergy Prior To Service 

Oils To Be Blessed 

Liturgy And Suffrages 

Old Testament Reading And Psalm 

Epistle Reading 

Deacon Of The Mass Reads The Gospel 

The Sermon By Bishop Menees 

 Bishop Menees Presides Over The Renewal Of Vows

The Bishop's Absolution Following The Confession 

The Peace 

Liturgy Of The Table 


The Fraction 


Blessing Of The Oils 


Organist Margaret Licon

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