Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Anglican Diocese Of San Joaquin Clergy Retreat Spring 2019

Fr. Dale Matson

Click On Photographs To Enlarge

We held our gathering at the St. Anthony Retreat Center in Three Rivers CA. Monday-Wednesday of this week. It is a wonderful setting with a view “into” Sequoia Park with park features in view from the retreat grounds like Hospital Rock and Alta Peak (11,207). Fr. Carlos Raines and I had an opportunity to drive as far up the Generals’ Highway in the park as the Giant Sequoias which start about 6,000’. We also had an opportunity to drop down to the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River which is currently a raging torrent (see video clip below). This was during our free time Tuesday afternoon.
We began with arrival/registration and a get-together. Essentially the event can be divided into several periods of instruction, celebrating Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline and meals. The meals are a highlight with a top-notch buffet offering a variety of healthy and delicious food combined with renewed table fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The teaching was by Dr. Greg Peters who is at St. Michael’s College in Toronto Canada and associated with Biola (CA), Nashotah House (WI) and visiting professor at St. John’s School of Theology in (MN). “All Christians are Monks and all Monks are Christians” is an important point Dr. Greg would impress upon us. There was a wrap up session following Morning Prayer and breakfast followed by Holy Eucharist and lunch. I needed to leave after breakfast.

Views Of The Grounds

 Austere but Adequate
 St. Francis

 St. Anthony


 Bishop Eric Menees

Dr. Peters

Fr Richard Fr. Greg Fr James cooling their heels 




Unknown said...

Great Pictures, Father Dale. Thank you!

Dale Matson said...

Thanks for the affirmation.