Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bishop’s Note – 2019 BCP – Prayers for Mission

Bishop Eric Menees

Dear Friends, as we continue our examination of the 2019 BCP service of Morning Prayer we come to the Prayer for Mission immediately following the Collects.

Having offered our collects, and assuming that the Great Litany or Holy Eucharist doesn’t follow, we pray a prayer for mission. This prayer reminds us of the saving love and power of Jesus Christ and the need to share that love with any and all who are or will be open to the good news of Jesus Christ.

The first prayer is for the clergy of the church, those deacons, priests, and bishops who have been set aside for ministry. In it, we ask God’s grace to rest upon them as He uses them for His good purpose.

The second prayer is for all the peoples of the earth that they may come to the saving embrace of Jesus Christ.

The third prayer reminds us of the loving sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and asks us, by God’s Spirit, to have the strength and grace to reach out to all those who do not know Jesus Christ!

I pray that as you pray these prayers the Holy Spirit may inspire you to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all whom you meet.

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