Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bishop’s Note – Litany for the Candidates

Bishop Eric Menees

Blessings to you all as we continue with our journey through the 2019 BCP Service of Holy Baptism. Last week, we spoke of the importance of the faith of the community who stands with the candidate and vows to support him or her in their walk with Christ.

Today, that promise turns to action with the Litany for the Candidates. This series of petitions reflects our calling out to God to assist our brothers and sisters in Christ to live out their lives as the adopted children of God!

These petitions reflect a theological depth not found in the 1979 BCP, a deep understanding of the relationship between our savior and his redeemed children. The concluding prayer offered by the celebrant reflects this beautifully.

I bid you to pray this litany for yourself that God may continue to bless and strengthen you in your relationship with Him, our eternal Father, Creator, and the Redeemer of our Lives.

Litany for the Candidates
The Deacon, or other person appointed, may say

Let us now pray for these Candidates who are to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.
That these children may come to confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That all these Candidates may continue in the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That they may walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which they have been called, ever growing in faith and all heavenly virtues.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That they may persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever they fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That they may proclaim by word and deed the Good News of God in Christ Jesus to a lost and broken world.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That as living members of the Body of Christ, they may grow up in every way into him who is the head.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

That, looking to Jesus, they may run with endurance the race set before them, and at the last receive the unfading crown of glory.
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord.

Other petitions may be added.

Prayer for the Candidates
The Celebrant now prays for the Candidate(s) as follows

Let us pray.
Almighty and everlasting Father, in your great mercy you saved Noah and his family in the Ark from the destruction of the flood, prefiguring the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Look mercifully upon these your servants. Wash and sanctify them through your Holy Spirit, that they may be delivered from destruction and received into the Ark of Christ’s Church; and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, they may pass through the turbulent floods of this troublesome world and come into the land of everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I pray you all a blessed week!

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