Thursday, September 2, 2021

Ordination of a Priest – The Exhortation Part 2

Bishop Eric Menees
Greetings Friends in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 

As we continue to examine the Exhortation given by the bishop to the priest Ordinand.
The Exhortation which can be found on pages 488-489 of the 2019 BCP can be divided into three sections: 

Paragraph One
The Broad Ministry of a Priest in Word and Sacrament

Paragraphs Two & Three
The call to care for the Christians given to their care

Paragraph Four
The manner of life that a priest is called to

Last week we looked at the first paragraph. This week I’d like to examine the second section – God’s call on the priest to care for the people given into his care. 

The Ordinand is reminded that the people he is to care for are the very people for whom Christ shed his blood. Not because they are perfect, worthy, or even good, but because they are his bride! With this reminder comes a warning – if his bride is hurt or hindered by him, by things done or left undone a very grievous judgment will follow. This is a reminder that clergy are held to a higher standard as chosen, equipped, and ordained representatives of Christ. 

Being duly warned, the Ordinand is reminded that a key ministry as both deacon and priest, is to catechize, disciple, and spiritually form those in his care to be mature disciples of Christ and ministers of the Gospel. 

I invite you to prayerfully read this section of the exhortation. 

May the Lord bless and keep you! 

Bp. Menees

“Remember how great is this treasure committed to your charge. They are the sheep of Christ for whom he shed his blood. The Church and Congregation whom you will serve is his bride, his body. If the Church, or any of her members, is hurt or hindered by your negligence, you must know both the gravity of your fault, and the grievous judgment that will result.

Therefore, consider the purpose of your ministry to the children of God. Work diligently, with your whole heart, to bring those in your care into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of God, and to maturity in Christ, that there may be among you neither error in religion nor immorality in life. Finally, equip and lead your Congregation to proclaim tirelessly the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

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