An Important Message from the Bishop
Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may have heard by now the United States Supreme Court issued their decision in the Dobbs case out of Mississippi. This ruling effectively overturns the Roe v. Wade and the Casey decisions and turns the question of legalized abortions back to the states. For the majority of us who live in California there will be no real effect as State Law supports abortive medical procedures. Surely there will be those across the state, like me, celebrating the fact that across the country fewer babies will be killed. There will also be many who are hurt, angry, and upset by the decision. While we in the ACNA are clearly pro-life there will be those in our parishes who are upset and many of whom have had abortions. We need to remind people that we worship a forgiving God who can and does forgive women who have had abortions. I bid you to be in prayer and to receive this decision as a call to reach out to pregnant women to support them up to and through full term births and to redouble efforts to support Foster and Adoption ministries so that women have a viable option for the care and love of these children. We need also to redouble our education of our people that pregnancies are, indeed, avoidable if we live chaste lives with sexual relations bound to the covenant of marriage. Below you will find the response of the province. I bid you to alert your security teams to be extra vigilant over the next few weeks as threats of violence are up against pro-life churches and organizations.
Blessings and peace
Bishop Eric Menees