Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Time For Prayer

Fr. Dale Matson

“This evening, I ask the Lord that we Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: Violence and war are never the way to peace!" Pope Francis

“Syria’s faithful Christians have suffered for many months.  We are reminded in Hebrews 13, “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” I am calling the Anglican Church in North America to pray for protection for the Syrian Church, relief for those who are suffering and wisdom for the international community as they consider how to respond.” Archbishop Duncan, Anglican Church North America

I humbly cry to You O Lord, restrain those in positions of power. Give them ears to hear the voices of those who seek peace. Let the cries of Your people be heard who are weary of war, violence, persecution and suffering. Give those involved in conflict hearts to negotiate. Protect the innocent and keep them from harm. Instill leaders with humility and patience. Give Your people hearts to pray and fast. Restrain the use of power and force in a futile attempt to punish others. Lord, find a home for those who are displaced; who have no place. Silence those who call for war, for bombs, for death. Give all Your people hearts of compassion and mercy. Let Your people see the good in others and embrace their right to live in peace and prosper. Lord, Let justice clothe herself in patience and wisdom gird herself with mercy. Amen

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)  

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